Policy on Human Resources

We will provide a workplace that enables our employees to maximize their potential and work motivated.

  1. Developing active, self-dependent human resources

    We develop active, self-dependent human resources who can think and act by themselves.

  2. Maximizing organizational performance

    We emphasize teamwork and communication to maximize organizational performance.

  3. Striving to establish a fair and reasonable personnel evaluation system

    We strive to establish a fair and reasonable personnel evaluation system to maintain and improve the motivation of employees. We also work towards ensuring wages that meet the basic needs of living or over complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to working hours and wages.

  4. Promoting diversity and Life-Work balance

    We are committed to promote diverse workforce as well as to prevent long working hours. We also improve the balance of life and work, and make efforts to provide a workplace that enables our employees to maximize their potential and work motivated.

  5. Maintaining and Enhancing employees’ health

    We maintain and enhance employees’ health so that they can work in good health physically and mentally.