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Company Profile

Company Name Lotte Co., Ltd.
Paid-in Capital 217 million JPY
Representatives Hideki Nakashima President / Representative Director Executive Management
Sales 2023 fiscal year
Japan Lotte group = 309 billion JPY
Employees 2,409
7,189(including overseas and group companies)
*As of March 2024
Head Office 20-1, Nishi-shinjuku 3-chome,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160-0023
Head Office area map
Businesses Production and sale of confectionery, ice cream, healthy food , general goods.
Offices & Plants Head Office (Tokyo) and national branches,
factories, Central Research Institute
Offices & Plants
Group Companies Mary Chocolate Co.,Ltd.
Dari K Co.,Ltd.
Ginza Cozy Corner Co .,Ltd.
Domestic GroupOverseas Group
Main Products Chewing gum, chocolate, biscuit, candy, ice cream